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integrated computational thinking

Abstraction 2: Abstraction Unplugged

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Step 7 of 8: Degrees of Wikipedia Separation
The Wikipedia page for Kevin Bacon

In this step, you are going to play the Wikipedia Degrees of Separation game. In this game, you are provided with a page on Wikipedia and then you are asked to find another page using only the links of the page you are currently on. Your goal is to make it from the starter webpage to the final webpage using as few clicks as possible. You might be surprised how many or how few clicks it can take to get from one page to another!

Round 1: Cat - Dog

How many clicks does it take you to get from the Wikipedia page on Cats to the Wikipedia page on Dogs using only the linked edges?

Round 2: Maya Angelou - iPod

How many clicks does it take you to get from the Wikipedia page on Maya Angelou to the Wikipedia page on the iPod using only the linked edges?

Round 3 - Random

On the home page for Wikipedia, select "Random Article" in the left menu. Then navigate to the Unicorn page with as few clicks as possible.


Compare and contrast the way in which nodes and edges are represented in the tour guide example and in the Wikipedia game example.